
Country Code Banner U
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related:  List of Country Calling Codes

Country Codes U

ISO Alpha-2, Alpha-3, and Numeric Country Codes.

Country listing with the given two letter code (ISO alpha-2) and the three letter code (ISO alpha-3), the UN numeric code (ISO 3166-1 numeric-3), as well as the FIPS 10-4 code for countries, dependencies, and other areas.

Country links opens the country profile.

Country Codes by Country: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W YZ

Alpha 2
Alpha 3 Code
UN Code
FIPS 10-4
Uganda UG UGA 800 UG
Ukraine UA UKR 804 UP
United Arab Emirates AE ARE 784 AE
United Kingdom GB GBR 826 UK
United States US USA 840 US
Uruguay UY URY 858 UY
Uzbekistan UZ UZB 860 UZ

Country Codes by Country: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W YZ


